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Calculate the intrinsic growth rate(s) and stable stage distribution(s) for a stage-structured dynamical system, encoded as state_t = matrix \%*\% state_tm1.


  initial_state = rep(1, ncol(matrix)),
  niter = 100,
  tol = 1e-06



either a square 2D transition matrix (with dimensions m x m), or a 3D array (with dimensions n x m x m), giving one or more transition matrices to iterate


either a column vector (with m elements) or a 3D array (with dimensions n x m x 1) giving one or more initial states from which to iterate the matrix


a positive integer giving the maximum number of times to iterate the matrix


a scalar giving a numerical tolerance, below which the algorithm is determined to have converged to the same growth rate in all stages


a named list with five greta arrays:

  • lambda a scalar or vector giving the ratio of the first stage values between the final two iterations.

  • stable_state a vector or matrix (with the same dimensions as initial_state) giving the state after the final iteration, normalised so that the values for all stages sum to one.

  • all_states an n x m x niter matrix of the state values at each iteration. This will be 0 for all entries after iterations.

  • converged an integer scalar or vector indicating whether the iterations for each matrix have converged to a tolerance less than tol (1 if so, 0 if not) before the algorithm finished.

  • iterations a scalar of the maximum number of iterations completed before the algorithm terminated. This should match niter if converged is FALSE.


iterate_matrix can either act on a single transition matrix and initial state (if matrix is 2D and initial_state is a column vector), or it can simultaneously act on n different matrices and/or n different initial states (if matrix and initial_state are 3D arrays). In the latter case, the first dimension of both objects should be the batch dimension n.

To ensure the matrix is iterated for a specific number of iterations, you can set that number as niter, and set tol to 0 or a negative number to ensure that the iterations are not stopped early.


because greta vectorises across both MCMC chains and the calculation of greta array values, the algorithm is run until all chains (or posterior samples), sites and stages have converged to stable growth. So a single value of both converged and iterations is returned, and the value of this will always have the same value in an mcmc.list object. So inspecting the MCMC trace of these parameters will only tell you whether the iteration converged in all posterior samples, and the maximum number of iterations required to do so across all these samples


if (FALSE) {
# simulate from a probabilistic 4-stage transition matrix model
k <- 4

# component variables
# survival probability for all stages
survival <- uniform(0, 1, dim = k)
# conditional (on survival) probability of staying in a stage
stasis <- c(uniform(0, 1, dim = k - 1), 1)
# marginal probability of staying/progressing
stay <- survival * stasis
progress <- (survival * (1 - stay))[1:(k - 1)]
# recruitment rate for the largest two stages
recruit <- exponential(c(3, 5))

# combine into a matrix:
tmat <- zeros(k, k)
diag(tmat) <- stay
progress_idx <- row(tmat) - col(tmat) == 1
tmat[progress_idx] <- progress
tmat[1, k - (1:0)] <- recruit

# analyse this to get the intrinsic growth rate and stable state
iterations <- iterate_matrix(tmat)

# Can also do this simultaneously for a collection of transition matrices
k <- 2
n <- 10
survival <- uniform(0, 1, dim = c(n, k))
stasis <- cbind(uniform(0, 1, dim = n), rep(1, n))
stay <- survival * stasis
progress <- (survival * (1 - stasis))[, 1]
recruit_rate <- 1 / seq(0.1, 5, length.out = n)
recruit <- exponential(recruit_rate, dim = n)
tmats <- zeros(10, 2, 2)
tmats[, 1, 1] <- stasis[, 1]
tmats[, 2, 2] <- stasis[, 2]
tmats[, 2, 1] <- progress
tmats[, 1, 2] <- recruit

iterations <- iterate_matrix(tmats)