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This code creates the text of a basic greta distribution. To write the text to file, see write_new_distribution().


greta_distribution_template(dist_name, dist_arg_list)



character length 1, name of the distribution


character vector, arguments to the distribution


text of a basic greta distribution


  dist_name = "lognormal", 
  dist_arg_list = c("meanlog", "sdlog")
#> Warning: Could not use `colored = TRUE`, as the package prettycode is not installed.
#> Please install it if you want to see colored output or see
#> `?styler::print.vertical()` for more information.
#> lognormal <- R6Class(
#>   classname = "lognormal",
#>   inherit = distribution_node,
#>   public = list(
#>     meanlog = NA,
#>     sdlog = NA,
#>     initialize = function(
#>         meanlog, sdlog,
#>         dim) {
#>       meanlog <- as.greta_array(meanlog)
#>       sdlog <- as.greta_array(sdlog)
#>       self$meanlog <- meanlog
#>       self$sdlog <- sdlog
#>       # add the nodes as parents and parameters
#>       dim <- check_dims(meanlog, sdlog,
#>         target_dim = dim
#>       )
#>       super$initialize("lognormal", dim, discrete = SET_OPTION)
#>       self$add_parameter(meanlog, "meanlog")
#>       self$add_parameter(sdlog, "sdlog")
#>     },
#>     tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
#>       meanlog <- parameters$meanlog
#>       sdlog <- parameters$sdlog
#>       tf_meanlog <- fl(self$meanlog)
#>       tf_sdlog <- fl(self$sdlog)
#>       log_prob <- function(x) {
#>         # build distribution object
#>         # you will need to check that the name of the distribution exists
#>         # in tensorflow - this is just a simple starter helper, see
#>         #
#>         # for a list of distributions
#>         d <- tfp$distributions$lognormal(
#>           meanlog = meanlog,
#>           sdlog = sdlog
#>         )
#>         # If your distribution does not exist in Tensorflow probability, you
#>         # will need to write your own log prob - the density. See for an example of this
#>       }
#>       sample <- function(seed) {
#>         # you will need to check that the name of the distribution exists
#>         # in tensorflow probability - this is just a simple starter helper
#>         # see
#>         # for a list of distributions
#>         d <- tfp$distributions$lognormal(
#>           meanlog = meanlog,
#>           sdlog = sdlog
#>         )
#>         continuous <- d$sample(seed = seed)
#>         tf$floor(continuous)
#>         # If your distribution does not exist in Tensorflow probability, you
#>         # will need to write your own sampler. See for an example of this
#>       }
#>       list(
#>         log_prob = log_prob,
#>         sample = sample
#>       )
#>     }
#>   )
#> )
#> lognormal <- function(meanlog, sdlog, dim = NULL) {
#>   distrib(lognormal, meanlog, sdlog, dim)
#> }